About the Project

CO-EXIST is working to raise awareness of the importance of interfaith dialogue in promoting the peaceful co-existence of different faith and religious groups across European society. Our core objective with the CO-EXIST project is to support young people in our communities to engage in citizen journalism, to counter the narratives of other religions that are presented in the mainstream media, and to harness the potential of social media platforms to promote cultural and religious tolerance across Europe. Through our work with young people from different faith communities, all partners are aware of the need to provide a mechanism to encourage interfaith dialogue between religious groups.

Through the CO-EXIST project, partners are responding to this need in our communities, to support young people to find the mechanisms for engaging in and promoting interfaith dialogue, to make European society a more peaceful and tolerant place for people of all faiths and cultures. In many instances, the onus to create a tolerant society for people of all faiths is placed on the State. However, through CO-EXIST, we believe that this sense of European tolerance and unity can be fostered from a grassroots movement which empowers young people to engage in interfaith and intercultural dialogue, to discover the shared values we have, and to foster the potential of citizen journalism, supported through digital and social media tools, so that they can promote tolerant interfaith dialogue across Europe. Disinformation campaigns can weaponise context to create a sense of ‘otherness’ between different cultural and religious groups in Europe, to cause division. Today, social media has largely been used to spread this disinformation and to cause division between groups. Through the CO-EXIST project we are working with young people and youth workers to put the power of social media to good use, by training young people as informed citizen journalists.

Citizen Media Curriculum to develop the skills of Young People

CO-EXIST delivers the following education programmes and outcomes for youth workers and young people. CO-EXIST presents 50-hours of online and in-person learning for young people, addressing each of the following modules:

Module 1

Citizen journalism 101 – introducing how to identify newsworthy issues; ethics in journalism; limits and possibilities of different mobile platforms and tools; developing an appropriate strategy and platform/tool to reach an audience; apply ethical and safe media practices.

Module 2

Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue – introducing how to prepare for intercultural and interfaith dialogue; intercultural and interfaith customs and norms; intercultural communication – do’s and don’t’s; practicing tolerance in diverse groups; ethics in intercultural and interfaith interviewing.

Module 3

Interviewing and Writing – introducing how to conduct an interview for media; how to ensure no bias in interviewing technique; analysing and presenting interviews in written form – how to construct articles and blogs; factchecking and citations; sharing articles and blogs online.

Module 4

Video Production and Editing – introducing how to record and edit video interviews, vox pops and field broadcasts, using your smartphone and available media devices; how to prepare for different forms of video interviews; sharing video content online.

Module 5

Podcasts and Audio Interviews – introducing how to prepare for an audio interview or host a Podcast; interview techniques for audio interviews; recording and editing audio; publication on appropriate social media channels.

CO-EXIST WebQuests for Interfaith Dialogue

CO-EXIST a total of 8 WebQuest challenge resources to promote interfaith dialogue between young participants. These include four at introductory level, and four at advanced level, addressing each of the following 4 themes:

1. Social media responsibility (identifying fake news, social media verification and fact-checking)

2. Information disorder (satire and parody, click-bait, imposter content, manipulated content

3. Addressing privilege and diversity in the media (challenging the media bias – representation of other religions, cultures, minorities – and how we could re-imagine the media)

4. Contemporary propaganda (propagation of memes, sponsored content, deep fake, fake news related to other faiths)

Training for Front-line Youth Workers

This training programme for youth workers introduces WebQuest resources developed to support interfaith dialogue as the focus of the citizen journalism projects undertaken by young people; as well as the citizen media curriculum. This programme supports youth workers to develop lesson plans to integrate these materials into their practice. This programme comprises 42 hours of learning for youth workers, divided across the following three modules, with 6 hours of face-to-face and 8 hours of self-directed learning per module:

Module 1

Understanding interfaith dialogue, and how best to support young people to engaged in intercultural and interfaith exchanges. This module includes role-play activities, games, and simulations to encourage youth workers to confront their own bias towards other faith groups, and to prepare them to facilitate interfaith dialogue in their communities.

Module 2

Challenge-based learning in a youth work context – applying, evaluating, and developing WebQuests.

Module 3

Delivering the CO-EXIST Citizen Media Curriculum; best practices for working in non-formal, digital, and social media learning environments; and safeguarding learners in these spaces.

CO-EXIST Digital Newsroom and Media Moderation Modules

The Newsroom is being designed to host news content developed by CO-EXIST citizen journalists.This Digital Newsroom gives these citizen journalists a platform to promote their message, to promote their findings from engaging in intercultural and interfaith dialogue and to discuss and debate real issues that affect young peoplpe related to their faith and cultural identity and to publish these online. The Digital Newsroom also hosts an online newspaper, and podcasts and audio interviews from each country where this project is piloted. The Newsroom platform also hosts 4 Media Moderation Modules, developed to ensure that citizen journalists are supported to take over and manage the CO-EXIST Digital Newsroom once the project life cycle ends. These four introductory modules address 4 different aspects of bias that were identified by partners in preparation for this application, which include:


In this section, you can view our newsletters produced throughout the CO-EXIST project.

Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Newsletter 3

Newsletter 4

Coming Soon

Meet the Team


To get involved and support our project, please find and follow us on Facebook at:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Number: 2022-2-IE01-KA220-YOU-000035273
